Receiving a SHOF launch


  1. The application created an ActivityDefinition.

  2. The user performing the launch must have an account on the shared IdP


  1. When the launch arrives, the conformance is retrieved from the Koppeltaal Server. Here the authorize & token URL can be requested.

  2. A redirect is sent to the authorize URL. The auth server will redirect the browser to a shared IdP using an OIDC code flow. If the launching platform does not use this shared IdP as a login mechanism, the user will have to login here as well. At the POC it is possible to create an account directly from this login screen. New users are given the role patient by default. The authorize call will check if the logged in user matches the user from the launch token.

  3. A successful authorize call returns the code & state parameters to the redirect_uri. Note that the state (provided at the start of the /authorize call) is returned to the redirect_uri, this way you can find out which launch request is involved and, for example, relate to a specific user session.

  4. From the back-end, execute the Get Token request. Here, the code is exchanged for:

    1. an id_token (contains information of the logged in user as JWT).

    2. A no-op access_token (not to be used on the Koppeltaal Server because it is user-specific).

    3. Additional context fields such as task, which the auth server fills based on the JWT provided as launch param.

By means of the context object it can be determined who, with which role, is logged on to the system and which task should be opened. When there is a valid response to this request, the user can be authenticated and e.g. a session can be created for the user.

Authorize Request


The URL should be determined from the Koppeltaal metadata

Query Parameters


Get Token


The URL should be determined from the Koppeltaal metadata


Request Body

  "access_token": "NOOP",
  "id_token": "eyJraWQiOiJvUDQ4NmxJcmwzRFFQdXF0dVVqUmxqc01oWFA0alJmdXoxS19uX0dpQmRrIiwiYWxnIjoiUlM1MTIiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2F1dGhlbnRpY2F0aW9uLXNlcnZpY2Uua29wcGVsdGFhbC5oZWFkZWFzZS5ubC8iLCJhdWQiOiJiMDJkNmVhNi1iMWEyLTRjZDQtODJmNS1iNjQyM2Q2NmE5ODgiLCJuYmYiOjE2MzI4MTMzNTAsImV4cCI6MTYzMjgxNjk1MCwibm9uY2UiOiJmNGMxODZlNy1jMzI2LTQxODAtYjFmMi1jYTllMWI4YTgyYWQiLCJzdWIiOiJQYXRpZW50LzE5NjMiLCJhenAiOiJiMDJkNmVhNi1iMWEyLTRjZDQtODJmNS1iNjQyM2Q2NmE5ODgifQ.UfBtTACLOhsCMr4Tlen3RUFek06WgWc-aaTPQzJzmHVGYBLY3CnJXTLI1FfCzp1ChM3vx-e2jbFCDHak6ennsuitki-1HnrZitTKpG8qKZK_f24gwVFM5LmzdUXtuTszJSeulpRG8zmNI96pqaIW4ru995LwhKLd-XSOY02BbAMo4XZ46ZW8DBXnhr32CI9TUza8NEQoxlQAF8EboUhro5vauPrjdshP3jQFUNSs5NceB4er3RnF10Zd6SiLFP-_c2ynaj_v87fJEgVGw63byYcKm6O3bTW2KsSz_YNYDYv8DWjYAp25P79e-Hlc3ERcybhLnLy0_-Rkvjk5P_240g"
  "scope": "openid fhirUser launch",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": "3600",
  "resource": "Task/37fa63e3-b118-4180-8470-74b1df508bf6",
  "definition": "",
  "sub": "Practitioner/52b6535b-4e69-455b-9d9f-952e708ad393",
  "patient": "Patient/70184602-4d15-4ca9-89a6-00e78123b22e",
  "intent": "plan"


TOP-KT-007 - Koppeltaal Launch

Last updated